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October 31, 2019Trauma Therapy: Frequently asked questions

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but you’re not a cat, and you have questions.
1 A bit about the trauma process we use
The experts tell us that trauma is stored in the subconscious mind and the body, rather than in the conscious reasoning mind. The process we use involves hypnosis and works perfectly at the subconscious level, where it also tackles that pesky self-sabotage we humans like to indulge in.
The most impressive aspect of the process we use, is that it is getting lasting positive outcomes for our clients after only 3 to 4 sessions.
2 How does it work?
Firstly, we deal with the underlying, unconscious core beliefs keeping you stuck in your negative patterns of thought, emotion and behaviour. We then move you to a place of empowerment, removing the emotional charge from past distressing events. This shifts you from being in fight, flight or freeze mode, relieving your sympathetic nervous system, allowing the memory of the trauma to be placed in the past.
This process addresses the symptoms of trauma AND the underlying cause of the trauma.
3 What clinical issues do we work with?
Extreme complex PTSD, PTSD, anxiety disorders, depression, fears and phobias, and other trauma related symptoms and issues.
4 How long do results last?
Some clients that have been monitored demonstrate continuing positive outcomes after 7 years.
5 Does it work for everyone?
No. You get out of it what you put into it and we offer a free pre-screening consultation to assess your suitability before agreeing to work with you. A successful outcome depends on many things, including your willingness to fully engage in the process and if you are living in an environment that is toxic.
Lastly, if you have secondary gains or losses that have not been successfully dealt with, you reduce your capacity for success. Don’t worry though, we go through this in our complementary pre-screening consultation.
6 It’s expensive. Why is that?
We believe we are offering great value for your money. You can always choose to go elsewhere, or do nothing. It is our policy not to waste our time or your money, hence our complementary pre-screening consultation.
About Us
Imagine. Believe. Become!
You can find out more at www.whisperedwisdom.com.au, like us on FaceBook, email lee@whisperedwisdom.com.au or call M: 0427 431 567.