Spirit Attachment and Invasive Energy Hypnosis
October 9, 2015
Souls, Spirits and the Inexplicable
October 26, 2015Past Life Regression Case Study – The Soldier and the Prophet

Mark felt like he’d never settled and was at a loss to explain why he felt so unmotivated and stuck, repeating the same self-limiting patterns time and again. We’d worked together previously and I was happy to facilitate a past life regression at his request.
After the preliminaries, we regressed to a womb experience where Mark expressed he was comfortable with his impending birth, if a little fretful regarding getting things right and moving forward. He described the purpose of his current life was to be “of service” and that he should focus on understanding his own self-worth and realising he is not alone.
Arriving at a past life relevant to his current life, Mark described seeing lots of people surrounding him who appeared white. In an unusual twist Mark had started with the end of that life, finding himself in a grey mist, near a large stone church, quickly recognising he was watching his own funeral. The familiar stuck feeling occurred to him as he heard someone in the mist say “don’t be afraid, you are not alone”. Mark then noticed on his feet, polished black leather hobnail boots and that he was clothed in a clean WW1 khaki army uniform.
In guiding Mark back to an earlier time in that life, he was able to give his full name and said he was 26 years old and lived in London prior to the Great War. He advised he passed after being stabbed through the chest with a bayonet in a trench battle in Belgium and offer a vivid description of the sodden, muddy, chaos unfolding that freezing, winter’s day. He said he stayed there because he didn’t know what to do. In directing Mark through this death scene, he spontaneously moved into a second past life.
In this life Mark’s dark skinned feet were sandaled and he was wearing a Middle Eastern/African type red and white stripped woollen robe and a small cap. He was carrying a staff and was proud of his long black beard. He referred to himself as an ‘Overseer’, like a village elder or prophet, and said he was responsible for sorting people’s problems in a spiritual rather than legal fashion. He was well known and sought out, however being humble he also herded sheep and goats.
He was very old at the time of his passing, describing being carried through the streets to his burial. Feeling peaceful and contented, he was ready to cross over and left his body quickly. He explained the purpose of that life was “to help people believe life goes on” and this was a reminder for his present life.
Mark was shown these contrasting lives to reinforce his current life’s purpose. From his life as a soldier, he was to remember to move on and to stop holding too tightly to aspects of his life that had ended or no longer served. He revealed he had repeated this pattern across at least 13 other past lives and had a contract in his present life to heal others, while learning to free himself of anything that holds him back or keeps him stuck. His life as an “Overseer” showed him that richness came from serving others and that a humble life brought peace and contentment.
Still feeling uncertain, Mark advised he was receiving information from his “Guides”. He had cleared away the habitual fear of moving on from 12 of his past lives, however the remaining life was to be addressed at a different time. He said, “Things have to happen, I’m to be tested, but I’m being told I’m not allowed to know yet. I must be calm, then things will happen”.
A few weeks later Mark reported that he had confidently begun to move forward with his life, taking actions to achieve goals which had stalled in the past. He also advised his chest pains had stopped, perhaps as a result of acknowledging his Soldier’s death. Given Mark was already in an occupation “of service” he was determined to work on his self-worth issues, as they were often mirrored in his clients, hence he gained a deeper understanding of the message “you are not alone”. This “knowing” would ensure he lived up to his contract in this life, finally releasing him from his stifling pattern of stagnation.
Interestingly, some months later Mark began to notice those chest pains faintly reappearing and took it as a signal it was time to address the remaining past life, but that’s a story for another time. To date, he remains, as we all do – a work in progress.
Last Word
Past Life Regression lasts between 2 to 3 hours and is both an exploratory and deeply personal therapy. Some preparation is required by the therapist and the client.
About Us
Blending traditional hypnosis with science and spirit is our forte at Whispered Wisdom Hypnotherapy, Muswellbrook. You can find out more at www.whisperedwisdom.com.au, like us on FaceBook, email lee@whisperedwisdom.com.au or call M: 0427 431 567.