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Hypnotherapy for Trauma! How does that work?
September 16, 2019After 7 years, we are plotting a new course!

The winds have changed and the sails have been trimmed.
I can’t believe Whispered Wisdom Hypnotherapy has been in business, practising hypnotherapy for almost 7 years. The time has just flown by since our very humble beginnings, hypnotising doubters in our noisy market stall while honing our craft. Across these years we have been blessed to work with hundreds of courageous people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences, each on their own personal journey to create positive change and transformation within their lives.
When I say our clients are courageous, trust me, they are. It takes guts to sit in a room and talk to a stranger, often about your innermost fears or your darkest days, and then to engage in a therapy which they’ve typically never tried before, AND one that many have some reservations about thanks to negative media.
The alarming truth is, the majority of our clients are struggling to some degree with an array of emotional disorders, such as stress, anxiety, panic, depression, PTSD, and somatic symptom disorders, all of which encompass an exhausting list of associated symptoms, such as sleeplessness, rage, pain, and substance abuse to name but a few.
With the avalanche of people suffering mental health complaints, in a time of cutting-edge research in psychology and neuroscience, when there is easy access to an abundance of medication, and where we have a deeper understanding of the relationship between our own physiology, and our environments and lifestyle, I am left often pondering the considerable erosion of our coping capabilities and our resilience. This in turn has prompted me to revisit a proposition put to me many years ago. A proposition to specialise in the field of trauma.
Despite having more than twenty years professional experience working directly with people exposed to trauma, including the injury management of staff diagnosed with mental health issues, and also supporting colleagues following a single catastrophic event in which eleven of our workmates were killed, I have actively resisted specialising in our hypnotherapy clinic, so why would I specialise now?
There are many potential answers to this question, and the primary one is that our clients need this. Another is an observation that traumatic events are occurring with such frequency, they barely elicit a response from those not directly involved and when I consider our desensitisation and the level to which our very existence is saturated with trauma, – think current affairs, entertainment, social media, in workplaces, schools, the community, and homes, I’m increasingly concerned.
Just for a moment, imagine yesterday’s news. Recall the footage of war and terrorism, the devastation caused by natural disasters and fear of climate change, increasing coverage of domestic or family violence, acts of community violence such as murder, muggings, burglary, and assault, the increased reporting of sexual or physical abuse, the impact of sudden or unexpected injury or death from accidents, suicide, or life threatening illness… the list goes on and on. Add to this our growing understanding of epigenetics and intergenerational trauma, and then measure all of this against our already overstretched public health system. Something has to give.
These are but some of the drivers behind my decision to redirect my energy and expertise into this area, before the tsunami actually arrives. That said, many of our clients have already, and continue to achieve a great deal of relief from their emotional burdens using our current hypnotherapeutic techniques, but there’s always room for improvement and always more to learn right?
So, I must let my heart be my compass as I lay out our future plan. Yes, I am now back to MORE study, and coinciding with Whispered Wisdom Hypnotherapy’s 7th birthday in October, I will have completed my working with trauma qualifications. Closer to this time I will be seeking 10 volunteers to work with for this purpose, but more on that later. In the meantime, I will continue to offer all of our current services, but if you follow us you will begin to notice a gradual realignment of our business focus as we continue to evolve.
As the writer William Arthur Ward said, “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”
About Us
Imagine. Believe. Become!
You can find out more at www.whisperedwisdom.com.au, like us on FaceBook, email lee@whisperedwisdom.com.au or call M: 0427 431 567.